An ultra low budget hotel.
Diner style chain restaurant.
Setting a new standard for the coffee experience.
This is a fast food snack shop located right on Waikiki Beach (Main / Cente...
Hawaiian and Korean cuisine in casual environment.
Mega resort with tons of amenities and shopping options in a great location...
This is a small food stand that serves up sandwiches, salads, and burgers r...
Asian style food with a sushi bar in Waikiki.
This restaurant provides sandwiches, salads, vegetarian meals, and gluten-f...
Artists display their work in Waikiki along the fence of the Honolulu Zoo.
This beachside restaurant serves Asian fusion and Hawaiian lunches in a kic...
Located next to the Hyatt in Waikiki, Furusato Sushi serves Japanese cuisin...
A resort restaurant serving cocktails and Hawaiian-inspired entrées during ...
A budget hotel about four blocks away from Waikiki Beach center.
Condominium style units that are individually owned and rented.