Diamond Head, also known as Leahi, is a cone shaped volcanic crater, situat...
Serving Hawaiian and American comfort food.
Waikiki Beach is the center of all Waikiki madness. Excellent beach, great ...
La Cucaracha Mexican Bar and Grill serves authentic Mexican cuisine in a fu...
Where beauty and insanity collide into one mega resort destination.
This statue is a memorial to Duke Kahanamoku, credited as "The father of mo...
Complete guide to the city of Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Fast and convenient American submarine style sandwiches with locations seem...
Okinawan cuisine served for lunch and dinner at this locale.
This is an off the leash dog park. It was the first official dog park in Ha...
Authentic Hawai'ian music and hula shows by Hawai'i's finest halau hula (da...