Pakala Beach (Infinities)

Pakala Beach (Infinities)
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Address 1-0902 Kaumualii Hwy, Kaumakani, HI 96769
Where the waves seem to ride "forever". This beach is best for expert surfers.

• Type: Murky Water • Sand Type: Powder • Parking: Street only • Good For: Sunsets • Surfing Level: Advanced
• Surfing Level: Intermediate

Pakala Beach is better known to locals as Infinities because, as they say, the waves here seem to ride forever. Well, they do when the ocean is really going off at least. When the ocean is calm, there will be no surfing at all here and the entire place becomes very peaceful and often unused.

Note that getting here requires some potentially dangerous roadside parking and a very short and simple hike. I say potentially dangerous since you have to park right on the side of the road and in this case the road is a fast moving two lane highway with very little extra room as vehicles fly by. This is not a place I would come with kids for this reason alone.

See our directions page for the general area where you want to be. Specifically, it's just west of mile marker 21 on the Kaumualii Highway. You'll see an area where you can park on either side of the road, using extreme caution if you do park here.

Get yourself to the ocean side of the road and look for the opening in the guardrail. Head down a few feet and follow the trail to your left (east).

That trail will lead to a gated entry area (that keeps out vehicles, etc) so work into that and follow the trail towards the ocean. It's an easy and level 5 minute walk through the trees. When you see a small stream and the ocean you've arrived.

On the plus side this is a well hidden beach and often not used by many people with powdery sand. It's really not a spectacular beach in terms of anything you'd want to swim in because two streams dump muddy waters into the ocean here. That creates murky waters that are best left alone (sharks do enjoy murky waters so keep that in mind, see Shark Attacks In Hawaii). Note that there are no facilities here.