Aloha Spirit

Aloha Spirit
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The Aloha Spirit can be seen in many aspects of life on the Hawaiian Islands.

• General: Educational • General: Language

The Aloha Spirit is a reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. It can refer to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire.

Hawaiians call this Universal Power "mana" and using this power can help you to attain happiness, peace, and much more.

In the Hawaiian language, aloha stands for much more than just "hello" or "goodbye" or "love." Its deeper meaning is "the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)."

So the next time you say Aloha to someone remember that it is more than "hello" or "goodbye", it is a way to connect with nature and people on a deeper level.

Want to really show off your Aloha Spirit? We have several items in our store that will help you do just that. Our favorites include this [PID:3] artwork, or this [PID:23] shelf topper, and even this [PID:5].