Waiakoa Loop Trail

Image Credit Forest and Kim Starr|https://www.flickr.com/photos/starr-environmental/24175623803
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Phone (808) 973-9782
Address 1326-1598 Waipoli Rd, Kula, HI 96790
A moderately difficult loop trail high up in Maui's upcountry.

• General: Cost: Free • General: Photo Opportunity • Hiking: Hiking • Hiking: Length: 3-4 Miles • Hiking: Level: Moderate
• Hiking: Loop Trail • Hiking: Minor Elevation Changes • Sightseeing: Great Views • Vehicle Activities: Biking

The Waiakoa Loop Trail is a lightly used loop trail of moderate difficult that's around 3.5 miles in total length.

The trail is located in Maui's upcountry town of Kula (elevation over 6,000 feet above sea level) so temperatures up here are often a lot cooler than at sea level. It's recommended that you go slow at these higher elevations to avoid headaches and be sure to bring and drink plenty of water. On that note, be sure to read up on Hiking Safety & Essentials before you head out.

Follow our map pinpoint (see directions page) which will take you to the hunter check-in station. At this point, there is a 0.75 mile dirt road that will require a 4x4 vehicle if you plan to drive to the trailhead. If you don't have a 4x4 then you'll need to park at this point and walk the 0.75 mile road instead.

Expect elevation gains around 500 feet overall as you hike and note that hunters may be active in this area. Wear bright clothing and stay on the trail at all times.