Stella Blues Cafe

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Phone (808) 874-3779
Address 1279 S Kihei Rd, Kihei, HI 96753
Serves American food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

• Food Types: American • Food Types: Burger / Dog / Sandwich • Payment: $$ - Average - $15 to $30 • Meals: Breakfast • Meals: Dinner
• Meals: Lunch • Service Type: Table • Offers: Kids Menu

Stella Blues Cafe is a family owned and operated restaurant offering home-style cooking with friendly service. They serves American food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Their menu consists of Seafood, Pizzas, Burgers, Sandwiches, Salads, Steaks, Pastas, Desserts, Appetizers and Drinks. They also offer special kid's menu.